Discuss the importance of communication business. (BDE)

Discuss the importance of communication business. যোগাযোগ ব্যবসার গুরুত্ব আলোচনা কর

Importance of Communication in Business: Communication is the life blood of business.
For the development of business both internal and external communication is a must.
The important of communication in business may be stated as follows:

I. Attainment of objectives (উদ্দেশ্য অর্জন) Every business house has a set of objectives To achieve these objectives communication is indispensable.

“আর পড়ুনঃ” What is Business Communication? (BDE)

2. Making plan (পরিকল্পনা প্রণয়ন): Communication helps in making plan.
In making any plan some information are required.
Communication supplies those information and helps in making a effective plan

“আর পড়ুনঃ” How communication related with management? (BDE)

3. Policy formulation (নীতি প্রণয়ন): Total success of the business depends on proper policy.
Communication helps in formulating policy by collecting the advice and suggestions of the experts.

4. Facilitates co-ordination (সমন্বয় বাধনে সহায়তা): Co-ordination among various work groups or departments of the organization is possible through communication.

5. Exchange of ideas (ধারণা বিনিময়): Communication is essential in exchange of ideas, news and views among the various parties of the organization. When employees face problem the superior give them solution through communication.

6. Effective direction (ফলপ্রসূ নির্দেশনা): The entire work of direction is involved with communication.
Without using communicational devices superiors cannot issue orders or instructions to their subordinates

7. Promotion of managerial efficiency (ব্যবস্থাপকীয় দক্ষতার উন্নয়ন): Managerial efficiency is very important for reaching organizational goal. Communication assists to reach this goal. On the other hand, communication helps in promoting managerial efficiency.

“আর পড়ুনঃ” What are the function of communication? (BDE)

8. Making decision (সিন্ধান্ত গ্রহণ): Every organization has to face the challenges of the changing environment.
Every moment they make decisions.
Communication helps them in making decision in relevant areas.


9. Uphold morale (মনোবল উর্ধ্বে উত্তোলন): Communication helps to uphold the morale of the employees in various ways. It also helps removing undesirable low morale elements.

10. Publicity of goods and services (পণ্য ও সেবার প্রচার): Marketing promotional activities are the driving force to increase sales and profit margin. Communication helps the businessmen to perform this task

11. Promotion of job satisfaction (কার্য সন্তুষ্টির উন্নয়ন) Job satisfaction is the pre-condition for achieving organizational goal. Communication helps in this regard

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12. Promotes spirit of understanding (বোঝাপড়ার উৎসাহ বৃদ্ধি) Effective communication brings understanding and mutual trust among the people of the organization

13. Sound management (সুষ্ঠু ব্যবস্থাপনা): Communication is helpful for sound and effective management.
Success of management depends on good and effective communication network in the organization.

14. Healthy industrial relation (সুষ্ঠু শিল্প সম্পর্ক): Healthy industrial relation means the sound relation between employee and employer. Communication acts as a matchmaker in this regard.

“আর পড়ুনঃ” Define Communication (BDE)

15. International relation (আন্তর্জতিক সম্পর্ক): Every country is dependent on others for many reasons. Here, communication plays a very vital role. It plays important role in developing international relations.

At the end of our discussion we can say that communication is deeply related to the various activities of the business world. Actually without communication there is no means for the business organization to achieve desired goals. Discuss the importance

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