What is effective communication? JAIBB

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What is effective communication? JAIBB

Effective Communication: The sender in a communication process always expects favorable
and desired response from receiver regarding sent message.
Therefore, every communication must have effectiveness so that communication effort be worthiness,
What is effective communication: Each and every communication cannot be effective.
When in an communication process sent message understood and encouraged to the receiver
and meaningful expected response made then that is called effective communication.

Definition of business communication: Some opinions given by scholars
regarding effective communication are quoted in below:

“See More-” What are the requirements of effective communication? JAIBB

1. According to Hunt and his associates,
“Effective communication is communication in which the intended meaning of source
and the perceived meaning of the receiver are one and the some.”

“See More-” Briefly Discuss The Scope Of Business Communication. (BDE)

2. R. W. Griffin said that,
“Effective communication is the process of sending a message in such
a way that the message received in as close in meaning as possible to the message intended.

So an effective communication is one when both sonder
and receiver of the message perceive the message in the same seuse.

From the above quotation and discussion we can say that
effective communication is a communication in which the feedback or
response is same as it was desired or intended
For success in the business, communication must be effective.

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